Q&A Session - Clean Eats, Fast Feets (2024)

Come on in; pull up a chair. Kick off your shoes, relax and make yourself comfortable because today it’s all about theQuestions and Answer session; not to be confused with T&A in any way, shape or form (wink, wink).

Me, I’m going to lie right down on this super cozy couch,put my feet up,and get ready to answer all of yourvery thoughtfuland insightful questions. Or at least the ones posed to me months and months ago when I was nominated forsome blogging awards. Ignoring them has been downright cruel, so I think alittle cleansing in the form of a Q&A seems fitting.

Thank you so very much Miss Polkadot, Just Add Water, and EatGreat Be Greatfor nominating me for the Liebsterblog award. I appreciate the love, and I’m sorry its taken me this long to blog about it. For once (mark it down), I have no justification, and I’d throw myself at your feet and beg for mercy, except it’s comfortable here on the couch. You understand.

Tradition says I reveal this, answer that, ask this, nominateyou and you andyou, but I say to heck with tradition.Instead, I’m going to answer a handful of questions from each blogger because let’s be real, we allknow how wordy I can be. So, in the interest of saving time, I’m keeping it short(ish). Really; this is best for all parties involved.

And away we go.

1.) Name the three most-worn items from your closet. If you mean my entire wardrobe, then my pajamasare a clear winner, and by pajamas, I mean mysweatpants, a shirt and sweatshirt. It’s my official “outfit” when I get home from work every day, and again when I wake up in the morning. Don’t get me wrong, I love to get dressed upif I’m going out, butwhen I’m at home, it’s casual all the way.


2.) Who’s your biggest inspiration in life? Pass, these emotional questions aren’t for me. Look, I’m happy to share my cleavage, mad monkey love, but deep-rooted emotional stuff, or perhaps just my biggest inspiration…yeah, that’s where I draw the line. Go figure; I didn’t even realize I had a line.

3.) Are you a planner or a spontaneous person? This is laughable. I am a self-professed over-planner. I’ve learned to embrace my structured ways, even if it makes me a touch neurotic. We’ve all got issues; I figure crazy ain’t bad. Besides, I throw onehell of a party.

4.) Tea or coffee? Coffee, Coffee, COFFEE….in fact,maybe I shouldn’t have had that last cup.I’m starting to feel twitchy.

5.) Is there any book you’ve read multiple times? If yes: which? Oh where to begin. I am a chronic re-reader. I’ve read hundreds of books, handfuls of times. If I own it, and I own several, I’ve reread it,multiple times.

I have more than one of these.

6.) Where is your happy place? My happy place is in my own home, usually in the morning with a cup of coffee, my various listsandthe internet, all while the Hubby sleeps soundly upstairs.

7.) Would you consider yourself an introvert or extrovert? I’m an introvert and a blogger which is an oxymoron, but true nonetheless.


8.) What is one of your favorite family traditions? When we lived in the same state, my mother and I used to watch The Sound of Music every year at Christmas. I still watch it, usually while writing out my holiday cards and baking goodies for the neighbors, and I always think of my Mama. LL has the same effect on me. ♫ Mama said knock you out. I’m gonna knock you out. Huuuh!”

9.)What is a blogging goal you have for yourself and your blog for the next year? To get Food Gawker to accept one picture. This baby didn’t make the cut. It’s ok because I’m persistent and will stalk them until they let my photos in their vaulted doors.

10.) Are you a morning person or night person? It’s all about the a.m. baby. See my response to question six. Wednesday night, I went to bed before nine, and it was amazing. If I had my druthers, I’d make that a reoccurringthing.

11.) Are you a city girl or a country girl? I’m a city girl through and through, although I wish I had a little bit more yard, so I could expand my pot garden to a plot garden.

12.) If you had $1,000 dollars to spend on anything, what would you buy? I’d hire a cleaning service for as long as $1,000 would last me. I’m a pretty fastidious house keeper, so this would in essence buy me time; extra hours in my day to while or sleep away. Right now, I’d chose sleep.

13.) Do you have any siblings? I have two brothers; one older and one younger, which goes along way towards explaining my eight year boy sense of humor.

14.) If you’re stranded on a desert island, what areyour3 MUST have items? Sunscreen because I have a ‘porcelain’ or ‘ivory’complexion (go with it)and burn easily. Water because hydration is of paramount important, and I’m not sure fresh water will be available. Three,a great book which Ican and willreread over and over again.

15.) Milk or dark chocolate? Dark chocolate,preferably inthe form of gelatowith a caramel swirl and sea salt running through. I heart my local gelato place, The Sweet Spot.

Time’s up. Thank you for coming in today, and I’ll see you again in a week for our next session. Same bat time; same bat channel. Or really, I’ll see you on Monday for the Week In Reviewparty.Bring your lists and link on up.

Your turn. I want to hear from you.Answer any or all of the questions above.

Q&A Session - Clean Eats, Fast Feets (2024)


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Author information

Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Suite 453 459 Gibson Squares, East Adriane, AK 71925-5692

Phone: +21811810803470

Job: Chief Representative

Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.