Spicy Corn and Shish*to Salad Recipe (2024)



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I dry pan cooked 2 of the ears of corn and added 2 fresh ears of corn for more interest. Used significantly less oil. Used white wine vinegar for the red onion rather than oil. Included the line juice, cumin, and salt. Excellent. Came together very easy and simply. Will make this again.


This looks good. I’m considering making this and adding a poached egg to give it some protein and make it a veggie main course.


Made exactly as the recipe instructs except for the cheese. Used shish*tos and fresh-shucked corn. It was easy. Chopped the peppers over co*cktails and talk while the onions and garlic marinated. My dinner guests freaked out at how good it was. We devoured it all. Just spicy enough, super interesting texture-wise, full of late-summer flavor and just scrumptious all around. It's a generous four servings, but I was grateful for that because otherwise we would have been fighting over this salad.


Raw. If you've not tried corn raw, I'd encourage you to do so. I nearly always eat mine raw -- it's crunchier, juicier, and less starchy and heavy-feeling that way.

Amy H

When I made this, I was really craving the blistered shish*to (or padron) peppers that are one of my favorite summer snacks, so I left the peppers whole, blistered them in the olive oil, sprinkled them with a little maldon sea salt, and arranged them on top of the corn salad along with a chunky diced avocado. I also fine-diced the jalapeño and added it to the corn mixture. DELICIOSO!


Oh yum! For those who are shocked by raw corn: make the salad the same day you buy or pick the corn; don’t store the cobs in the fridge. That’s what makes them tough. Raw corn, perfectly fresh, is heaven.I made this exactly as written and I must say I’d be heavier with the spice and lime juice next time, but it was still delicious and very fast. I blister shish*tos all summer as a snack, so it was nice to do something different with them. A keeper recipe.

Melissa English

A keeper. I used just three corn cobs and everything seemed to be in proportion. The feta gave some decent salt and I may have pulled back on the added salt in the dressing. With my shish*to pepper producing like gangbusters, this will be made again and again until it stops.


Just a hint about cutting corn off the cob: lay it down on a cutting board, cut off one side, turn, cut, turn, etc. it doesn’t fly all over and no balancing act in a bowl.


It took over an hour to prepare the shish*to peppers. Six ounces is probably 25 peppers. It's a good dish, but just be prepared to spend a lot of time - or switch to bell pepper.


Tastes even better than it looks. Made tonight for a group and everyone loved it! Even people who said they don’t normally enjoy corn. I prepped in the morning then assembled about an hour before dinner so could serve the dish at room temperature. I opted to use feta and cilantro. I doubled the shish*to’s and made a bit extra dressing since I used 6 ears of corn which appeared to be way more than three cups. No matter how much corn I use next time, I’ll keep the extra shish*to’s...so delicious!


So good! I roasted the corn first, then the jalapeno and shish*tos. I was a little nervous about the heat factor from the spicy smell. I tasted it and it was delicious. The husband has a dislike of spicy, so I added 1 smallish heirloom tomato to balance it. Perfect. I'm making it again for the Labor Day cookout this weekend!


It was simple to make, and got rave reviews from everyone. Having fresh corn from our local farmers market made a difference too - corn has been very sweet this season.I did 3 tbl lime juice, 1 tbl oil - 2 tbl oil would have been way too much.As a bonus, I used the cobs to make corn stock, just deciding exactly what soup I want to make with it.


This is stupid delicious exactly as written. We’ve made it twice and neither time succeeded in stopping ourselves (two people) from consuming THE ENTIRE huge bowl’s worth. Other commenters are right; 5-6 cobs is definitely more corn than 3 cups, but 5 cobs is just right for me. And yeah, the commenter who said the dinner guests freaked out over how good it was? I’d lose my mind if someone served this to me, too. Delish. Make it tonight.


First, have to wonder how many people were in the kitchen to accomplish this in 15 minutes! Shucking and stripping the corn takes almost that long unless you don't care about removing all the silk. That aside, this is really good. Followed the recipe as shown, using Feta. Did let the shish*to peppers cool to room temp before mixing everything together. Definitely will fix this again. I do find it very aggravating when recipe times are so very far off and it's not just this one. Be realistic!

Chris P.

We loved this as an easy, tasty and interesting dish. Used three ears of fresh corn, followed recipe as close as we could, otherwise. Served as a side with roast salmon. Keeper for us.

cooking in Maine

Charring the corn and adding avocado to this already-great salad makes it even better


Delicious. I made this with peak summer farmer’s market corn. I substituted poblano pepper for the shish*to peppers, and used less than the recipe suggests because the poblano turned out to be spicier than usual (I omitted the jalapeño once I really that I had a hot poblano). My grocery had Salvadoran queso duro, which was great in this, adding a nice salty tang. Don’t leave out the cheese. It doesn’t *need* it, but it’s next level with it. I can’t wait to make this again.


This is excellent. I forgot the cheese and am glad I did, doesn’t need it. Simple and wonderfully delicious.

Karen B

If you're lucky enough to live in Ohio and have a sweet corn harvest -- then you won't mind husking the corn. This dish is Devine!

condiment queen

You can sub poblano peppers for shish*to. I used two large ears of corn, added a tomato, and kept other ingredients the same. Served over grilled white fish. Delicious August dinner for two.


This. Is. So. Good. Added to favorites folder. Fresh sweet corn if you can get it is delish. We served it with blackened sockeye salmon and a few tortilla chips and wow. We decided to use this at an upcoming dinner we are hosting. It’s so amazingly yummy.


Good. Made it without the jalapeno and used feta. Ash and Eddie liked it too.


I cooked the shish*tos whole (sans stems), and threw the corn into the pan with the peppers at the end to cook it a bit. I wasn't feeling cumin this eve so I left it out. This is a delicious dish and will be on repeat in my kitchen throughout corn and pepper season!


There is something missing here. It feels more like an ingredient to add vs something on its own. Will try on tacos.


Made as written except I added halved grape tomatoes because I had a bunch. Delicious and tastes like summer.

miguel Shadow

Grilled the corn, shish*tos and jalapeño. Have also made as written. Both ways excellent!


I made this then I just turned it into esquites. Delicious.

Kristen Wainwright

Delicious even the next day!

Susie T

Make sure to use fresh feta in brine, not crumbled! Makes such a difference.


Based on other reviews I made a few tweaks:1) Doubled the garlic and jalapeños2) Cut back on olive oil and added 1 T of red wine vinegar to the onion/garlic mixture3) Pan roasted half of the corn 4) Added avocadosI'll be eating the leftovers with some shredded chicken for lunch. Definitely will be making this recipe again!

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Spicy Corn and Shish*to Salad Recipe (2024)


Why are only 1 in 10 shish*to peppers hot? ›

Why are only some shish*tos hot? The reason behind the variance in heat of many chili peppers from pepper to pepper is due to the amount of capsaicin produced during growing. Capsaicin is the part of the pepper that gives them a spicy kick and makes your mouth feel hot.

What is the spicy ratio for shish*to peppers? ›

Approximately one in 10 shish*to peppers might have a surpising kick of heat, but most of them are mild.

Are shish*to peppers inflammatory? ›

™ Shish*to Peppers are as good as they taste. SUNSET® Peppers are a wonderful source of vitamins A and C and have been known to reduce inflammation from arthritis and asthma.

Are shish*to peppers hotter than jalapenos? ›

Shish*to peppers score a measly 100 to 1,000 Scoville Heat Units (SHU), while jalapenos boast a more respectable range of 2,500-8,000 SHU. In other words, the spiciest jalapeno can be up to 80 times spicier than the mildest shish*to pepper.

What does Shish*to mean in Japanese? ›

The name, "Shish*to", derives from the Japanese words "shishi", which means "lion", and "togarashi", which translated to "chili pepper". Hence, in Japan, it is known as the "Lion Head pepper".

What is special about shish*to peppers? ›

While most Shish*to Peppers are mildly sweet in flavor, roughly 1 in every 10 will offer a surprise burst of heat. This makes the Shish*to Pepper an alluring product that piques people's curiosity and emboldens their sense of adventure. It is truly a unique product that offers a one-of-a-kind eating experience!

What is the best way to eat shish*to peppers? ›

Shish*to peppers can be eaten raw, although it's more common to serve them charred or blistered.

Are shish*to peppers good for you? ›

They are low in calories and high in dietary fiber, which helps you feel full and stay satisfied! Shish*to Peppers are a good source of Vitamins A, C, and E which are good for your skin, immune system, and eyesight. Shish*to Peppers are also rich in antioxidants that help fight off free radicals that damage your cells.

Do you remove seeds from shish*to peppers? ›

QUESTION: Do you need to remove the seeds from shish*to peppers before using? — George Austin, Teanack, New Jersey. ANSWER: It's not necessary. While the seeds of chili peppers may contain some heat, it's the inner ribs of peppers that contain the fiery spice.

Are peppers bad for joint pain? ›

Eggplants, peppers, tomatoes and potatoes are all members of the nightshade family. These vegetables contain the chemical solanine, which some people claim aggravates arthritis pain and inflammation.

Can shish*to peppers give you diarrhea? ›

Eating spicy peppers won't damage your digestive system. In fact, research shows that the capsaicin in them may reduce stomach acids and prevent ulcers. But for some people, hot peppers can irritate the lining of the gastrointestinal tract and lead to temporary discomfort, such as heartburn or diarrhea, Hunnes says.

Are shish*to peppers a nightshade? ›

Green Shish*to chile peppers, botanically classified as Capsicum annuum, are a relatively mild, Japanese variety that belongs to the Solanaceae or nightshade family. Earning their name from shishi, the Japanese word for lion, Green Shish*to peppers have a creased tip that some believe resembles the head of a lion.

How long do shish*to peppers last in the fridge? ›

Keep shish*to peppers in a paper or plastic bag in the warmest area of the refrigerator. If purchased when fresh, they can last in your crisper drawer for up to 2 weeks. Have some fresh leftover shish*tos? Freeze them whole, and save for a little bit of summer during colder months.

What happens when shish*to peppers turn red? ›

Younger peppers will have a greenish hue. As they mature, the color transitions to orange, and eventually will turn red. With Shish*to peppers, the color of the pepper has no impact on the spice level. As a rule of thumb, 1 in 10 Shish*to peppers has a kick of heat, no matter if it's green, orange, or yes, even red!

Why are only some shish*to peppers hot? ›

Why are Shish*tos sometimes spicy? Shish*tos have the genes to produce capsaicin, which is the heat-producing compound in hot peppers, but their gene expression is generally very muted… except when it sometimes isn't.

How hot are ghost peppers on a scale of 1 to 10? ›

Here's a glance at heat levels for some popular hot peppers, according to the Scoville scale: Ghost Extremely Hot (over 1,000,000) Habanero Extra Hot (100,000 to 300,000) Tabasco Hot (30,000 to 50,000)

What is the number 1 hottest pepper? ›

The Carolina Reaper is officially the Worlds Hottest Pepper as ranked by Guinness Book of World Records. It's hot, and by hot, we mean HOT! The Carolina Reaper can top-out at 2.2 Million SHU!


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